Asahi Drink introduced the latest technology "Mitsuya Cider Japan Quality Kishu Minami Takumi" tasting review

In March, Asahi Breweries announced the manufacturing method "Fresh Quality Production Method" for the first time in the beverage industry using the group's latest technology, and started production of the "Mitsuya Cider Japan Quality" series using this manufacturing method. The first bullet "Mitsuya Cider Japan Quality Kishu Minami Takashi plum" was brought out from May 27th (Tuesday), so I bought it.

Details are as below.
Asahi Beverage | News Release 2008 | "Mitsuya Cider Japan Quality Kishu Minami Takuma PET 500ml"

Raw materials etc.

48 kcal per 100 ml.

Reliable "domestic production" mark.

The cap is a general purpose asahi drink.

I tried peeling the label.

I poured it into a glass.

Quite a while and foaming.

It is quite rich in plum flavor and refreshing finish with sharpness of carbonate sharpness. Besides improving deliciousness, besides improving taste, there seems to be effects such as environmental load reduction and cost increase suppression, so not only consumers but manufacturers seem to be happy. I would like to wait for the next "Japan Quality" series as well.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt