Toshiba, HDD containing design data such as nuclear power generation control system is stolen

Toshiba today revealed that several HDDs, such as the external HDD of the data server, were stolen from business offices. The HDD contained design data of nuclear power generation control system etc.

Although I feel a little uneasy when asking "design data of nuclear power generation control system", what purpose did the culprit stole for the purpose?

Details are as below.
On theft of hard disk drives at our offices

According to this release, Toshiba has confirmed that three external hard disks of the data server and one built-in HDD of the desktop personal computer were stolen at the Fuchu business office on May 14, and submitted the damage report.

According to Toshiba's investigation, the external HDD of the data server is said to have been stolen from midnight to 14th May 12th (Monday, May 12th) and desktop computer is locked since April 27, 2007 due to breakdown Although it was kept in the room, it was confirmed on May 14th that the built-in HDD was removed.

The data stored in these HDDs is currently being investigated and it is expected to take several days to complete, but the HDD contains thermal data, hydraulic power, design data of the nuclear power generation control system, etc. It is said that it was.

I do not know exactly what kind of impact is caused by this data being stolen, but considering that stolen from the locked room, etc., the culprit stole out with a clear purpose to a certain extent maybe.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log