Culture Broadcasting, broadcasting a special program on the actual execution of the death penalty

Prior to the introduction of the judge system, Culture Broadcasting will broadcast a program called "Execution (execution) (tentative)" on May 6 as a special media reporting the current situation of the death penalty.

In the program, the tape will be broadcasted, including the death row prisoner just before the execution and the last interaction of the prison officer, which was actually produced at the death penalty 53 years ago.

Details are as below.
"Death Penalty Enforcement" 53 Years Ago To May 6 Broadcast ... Culture Broadcasting: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

According to this article, Culture Broadcasting of radio stations will broadcast a program called "Execution (tentative)" for 55 minutes from 10: 00 on May 6.

In the program, in 1955 the Osaka Detention Center stated that a tape will be broadcast aimed at educating staff and improving treatment for death row prisoners, and on the tape there is a prison official who tells death row prisoners execution execution And the state that the prison officer and the death row prisoner end up interacting in the flow of reading are recorded.

In addition to being consented to the bereaved families already death row, the name is broadcast and broadcast, in addition to the former officials involved in execution against the tapes and the interview to the prosecutors OB et al. We are going to dig down.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log