Yahoo! Shopping Hobby Category Best Store No. 1 "T.J GrosNet" is bankrupt?

According to a lot of tales coming from readers, Yahoo! Shopping Hobby department is the best store in the 1st Half of 2008 Best Store Yahoo! FromYahoo! I recommend shopping with confidence!"Introduced as"T.J GrosNet」Has become impossible to purchase all products from the morning of April 1st, people who have already purchased and who paid for money tried to contact by e-mail, phone, etc., but a complete message disconnection state. Yahoo! And Rakuten side also tried to get in touch, but there was no reaction at all and it was in a state of being ready.

Also, the head office of this "T.J GrosNet" is already shut down according to Tale Communication, the shutter is closed, and there is a foreclosure like a foreclosure. It can not be confirmed even if it really broke in the first place, it seems that the current situation is that the concern of people purchased at "T.J GrosNet" only increases.

So I went to the headquarters to see what really was going on and I made sure. In addition, I also contacted the leasing company and the UFJ Bank that made the posting and confirmed what is going on.

Whether the bankruptcy occurred or something else happened, the reporting result is from the following.
First of all, this is Yahoo! Recommended pages from.

First-half 2007 Best Store category award - Yahoo! Shopping

"This store is currently closed", and the following is the page.

T J GROS NET Yahoo! Store - Yahoo! Shopping

TJ Annex Yahoo Shop - Yahoo! Shopping

Rakuten also has a page, it looks like the following.

Gundam Model · Compressor · Hobby Life's strong ally · T.JGrosNet

Yahoo! There is an account in the auction, but now I have not sent anything. There is a logo on the upper right.

Yahoo! Auction

This is the overview of the store on the company page.

T.J GrosNet About shopping

And this is a photograph enthusiast.

Apparently it seems that they knew something about "Kiiyo Lease Capital Co." and "Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ". First of all, I tried calling Kiyo Lease Capital Co., Ltd. in order to confirm the truth of this picture before express to the site.

About T.JGrosNet's case, is it that it went bankrupt?

Kiyo Lease Capital:
I do not know if the bankruptcy occurred, but I could not contact, the shutter was closed, there was a banknote of Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank, so for the time being I wrote a newspaper and say "Please do not take lease goods" I just made a display of the meaning, so it's in a state I do not understand at all.

Apparently it seems that the leasing company is also in trouble. So I tried calling the Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank's Wakayama branch this time.

About T.JGrosNet's case, is it that it went bankrupt?

Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank Wakayama Branch:
Please wait a bit, I will investigate ... ....

So, when I talked about various circumstances, I do not know at the branch. However, to explain that it seems that a poster sticks in fact, it is said that I want you to call "branch office" instead of branch office. Have the phone number tell me, this time call "Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank Wakayama branch".

About T.JGrosNet's case, is it that it went bankrupt?

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Wakayama Branch:
Please wait for a while as it will replace the person in charge.

So when I asked the story variously, it was a fact that I put a poster on it, and as written there, "movable property" was collateralized on December 28, 2007, and other debts It is said that the owner and others stuck them so as not to take in what they were inside and to dispose of them. I do not know at all whether T.JGrosNet itself went bankrupt, the bank is also investigating the facts and I do not know yet because I do not know what happened.

Apparently, I do not know if the bankruptcy was made, but it seems that it was decided that "It is dangerous as it is" without any contact, anyway, I decided to keep it on a poster as well. And the leasing company who saw it also seems to have done a similar posting on April 3rd as "It feels dangerous ..."

In any case, since it turned out that this post is "seems to be true", the editorial department of GIGAZINE decided to express to T.JGrosNet headquarters in Wakayama in order to ascertain the truth of the matter.

· Continued
I went to the "T.J GrosNet" headquarters that could have escaped at night due to lack of communication - GIGAZINE

in Note,   Coverage,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse