Finally ban on sales of external terrestrial digital tuner for PC, USB type and so on appearance
According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun news report, it seems that a single unit sales of an external terrestrial digital tuner for personal computers will be lifted.
If you thought about enjoying terrestrial digital broadcasting on a personal computer that was not built in terrestrial digital broadcasting (terrestrial digital broadcasting) viewing function on a PC so far, you had only to buy a low-quality one-segment tuner, but this made it easy to get high-quality You can watch and record terrestrial digital broadcasting.
Details are as below.
Unit sales of terrestrial digital broadcast tuner for PC, lifting the ban on early April: Nikkei personal computer online
According to this article, it seems that the broadcasting industry has strengthened its policy of lifting a standalone release of ground-based, BS and CS digital tuners of the type to be externally attached to a personal computer. It will be officially decided at the meeting of broadcasting industry officials to be held in early April.
Already personal computer peripherals manufacturers are preparing to ship the external terrestrial digital tuner such as the PCI board and the USB type, and after the issuance of the B-CAS card by B-CAS company, it will be released as soon as possible from late April to May We are forecasting that it will be shipped. The price you are interested in will be around 20,000 yen.
By the way, it seems that the broadcasting industry did not allow standalone sales of external terrestrial digital broadcasting tuner due to the reason that content protection may be canceled as background against which external terrestrial digital broadcasting tuner was not released so far,Copy-free digital terrestrial tuner "Friio"And the transition to the terrestrial digital broadcasting in July 2011 is coming soon, it seems that it turned into a policy to ban the sale of the external terrestrial digital broadcasting tuner.
It is very appreciated for the viewer that it will not be bother to bother to buy terrestrial digital broadcasting on your favorite computer without buying a built-in type.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log