Finally the same person fighting game "MONSTER" greatly powered up to arcade game

The same person fighting game which I covered last year at GIGAZINEMONSTERFinally, arcade game "MONSTER AncientCline (temporary)"It seems that it decided to make a commercial debut as.

In order to break down the current situation where 2D fighting game is entering the era of winter,Mr. ShoK as a self-made doujin game developed by himselfAlthough it is "MONSTER", it is said that it will power up and power up as a real 2D fight fighting game pursuing high image quality, addition of new characters, easy operation and entrainment elements.

Details and demonstration movie playback from the following.
According to today's announcement, the arcade game "MONSTER AncientCline (Tentative)" has newly added six characters in addition to the original 10 characters, graphics have been greatly improved, and elements for incorporation are also added .

This is a conventional graphic.

And a new graphic. Sure it is a mistake.

A demo movie looks like this.

Although it is starting to worry about operation, it is said that summer of 2008 is planned. I can hardly wait for the day to be able to play at the game center.

in Note,   Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log