The world's most quiet place certified as Guinness

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There are sounds in the world such as the sounds of people moving and the operating sound of facilities. However, there is a room where Minnesota can taste a true silence that does not sound at all. It seems that 0 dB is the smallest sound in the human audible range, but it seems to be even lower.

Details are as below.The Quietest Place on Earth - Orfield Labs [audiojunkies]

The quietest place in the world certified as GuinnessOrfilled InstituteIt is built in 6 rooms. The wall is made of double metal, inside the wall of the metal there is a thick concrete wall and wedge-shaped sound absorbing material made of fiberglass is spread further inside. It is said that a pentahedral room with a similar structure is arranged around the room. When measuring the size of the sound in the room it seems that it became -9.4 dB.

Guinness' s certificate.

When in this room it is so quiet that the sense of space disappears so that the sound emitted from your body will be heard. The quietness of the room was measured by NVLAP of the US government official authority and it seems to be the room where the only silence in the United States is guaranteed except for the private room inside the company.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log