"Spicy barbecue sauce taste noodle" taste review with radio and collaboration

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of popular radio program "All Night Nippon" from olden times, a cup noodle that collaborated with Nissin in cup noodles was released on Circle K Sunkus Limited. I eat pictures of packages beforeGerman potato tasteIt was similar to the contents of, so I tried it while considering the possibility of using it.

Details include the logo of the 40th anniversary of All Night Nippon from the following.

A sweet smell drifted as I opened the lid.

Pour hot water and wait 3 minutes.

Completion by stirring firmly.

The taste is completely different from German potatoes, and it tastes the barbecue-flavored snacks. It is a subtle place when asked if this is barbecue taste. Spicy is slightly light accent, pungent and sweet mako tofu. It is regrettable that the taste of sausage is somewhat disturbed by soup, but it is regrettable, but if you consider it as a snack like sweets, you can eat deliciously. It was good because the size was small, but it was a level that seems to get bored in the middle of eating when it is a Dong Buri type cupping.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log