"World's first web server" and "Japan's first website"

What is reflected in this image is "World's first web server"is. I do not know exactly when it started running, but it seems that it was already built in November 1990. By the way, WWW beganAugust 6, 1991.

So, here is the identity of this world's first web server and when it began its first website in Japan below.
First of all, this web serverNeXT computer companyofNEXTSTEPIt is a machine called. By the way, NeXT computers were made by the founder of Apple famous for that iPod and Mac OS X,Steve Jobsis. There is an image on the following page.

World's first WWW server

Wikipedia has more enlarged images.

Image: First Web Server.jpg - Wikipedia

On the keyboard is the first draft of the WWW, and on the paper attached to the server machine is written "This machine is a server, do not turn off the power!"

The server was created by one of the Internet's parents,Tim Berners-Lee. I am also making the world's first browser and HTML editor, it is amazing.

Here is a picture of Japan's first web server created by Tim Berners-Lee requested to install a server.

Japan's first website

On September 30, 1992, the server machine on which the homepage was originally published in Japan had been operating as a mail server of High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) until March 2000, but from the network in the same month It was removed and retired from active service. It was decided to be stored in the Tsukuba Information Network Center by Tsukuba City voluntary campaign and the collaboration of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and Tsukuba City. From April 20, 2000, we will save at the center for the time being. The picture below is an exhibition of the server and the inside of the building of the Tsukuba Information Network Center. It is exhibited in the back of the first floor of the center. When you visit Tsukuba Research Gakuen, please take a look and see.

so,Japan's first websiteIt seems that it was made on September 30, 1992.

By the way, what kind of page was you can see from the following.


No way to say that such a simple thing is huge up to here and sweep the world ... ....

in Note, Posted by darkhorse