Do not eat during work Lotte 's sake with chocolate 3 kinds

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I bought Lotte's western liquor chocolate "Bacchus" "Rummy", a chocolate with shochu "Potato shochu chocolat" and tried it. Alcohol works quite a bit when eating on an empty stomach, so please be careful if you are working or weak alcohol.

Details are as follows.
Package reverse side.

Bacchus contains Cognac V.S.O.P. Alcohol content is 3.4%.

Lamy enters rum raisin. Alcohol content 3.7%.

Potato shochu chocolat enters potato shochu as its name suggests. Alcohol content 3.4%.

Right side on the right is Ramie. The upper left is Potato shochu chocolat, the lower left is Bacchus but it can not be distinguished by appearance.

I broke Bacchus.

Rummy does not contain liquid, it feels like being kneaded.

Potato shochu chocolat.

Rummy does not feel so much at the moment of eating, but the rich flavor of the ram will work from then on. Bacchus and potato shochu Chocolat comes from a gap of chocolate broken into a gnawing whiskey. As the smell of sake drifts in the room, it seems to be bald even if you eat hidden. The compatibility of chocolate and liquor is quite nice, so I will definitely eat it, but please be careful as I think that one who is vulnerable to alcohol is too tight.

Lovers of your mouth Lotte | Product catalog | Chocolate

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt