"Lipton Chiffon Milk Tea" is a creamy sweetness

I bought Lipton "Chiffon Milk Tea", a new launch from Tuesday, October 2, and tried drinking it. I used premium tea leaves Orange · Peko and Ceylon · Longrow leaf which is compatible with milk, and milk is also using sweet condensed condensed milk which is rich in milk, and it was pretty mellow and elegant taste .

Details are as follows.
Lipton Product Information: Lipton Chiffon Milk Tea

36 kcal per 100 ml.

Milk, sugar, sweet condensed milk and quite sweet looks strong.

Lipton logo on cap.

I poured it into a glass. The color feels quite dark while being light brown.

From the side.

The taste is "sweet". However, it is not sweet and it is quite close to the taste of milk tea at home. I also have the flavor of black tea, the fragrance is weak but sweet. It tends to be in the milk tea, it is sweet mildly and it does not make thirst somehow after it finishes drinking. It is refreshing and creamy sweetness is finished.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt