Headline news on October 3, 2007

Tomorrow for the first time in 7 months"HUNTER × HUNTER" new release releasedIt is a day to be done. Also, since the next week 's Monday is a holiday, it will be released this Saturday this week "Weekly Shonen Jump" from 2007 issue number 45, the serial series which had been closed just after being posted on February 13, 2006 (Monday) will be restarted . Some of the fans waiting for a long time may not believe it until released, but alreadyBecause there are people who are getting itAfter all, it seems to really resume.

So, tomorrowOctober 4. Long distance train Orient Express of Europe started operation in 1883. In 1957, the world's first artificial satellite "Sputnik 1" was launched by the Soviet Union, and in 1982 the TV program "Masaru Morita Hour laughs!" Began broadcasting. In addition, a famous painter Jean-François Millet was born in 1814 and Frederik Bartoldi, who produced the American Statue of Liberty, died in 1904.

Today's headline news.
A painful news (No ∀ `)" I am a killer "Investigate as a mock killer who was inspired by the memorial" Death Note "by the corpse dead body ... Belgium(Manga, written in memos is Romaji)

Weekly free comic magazine "Comic · Gumbo" books in a book | Ameba News(Manga, price is 588 yen for B6 size)

Kokuyo opens business rental space "DESK @ (Deskat) Osaka Umeda store"(Business, drinks and toweling are charged free of charge in 15 minutes)

Marriage with a manga artist who can not sell quite a lot(Life, if the other party is okay it would be fine, though)

Special Feature: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Magical Story of Break by Popular Voice Actor (Eitan Web) - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Anime, Producer is still motivated)

Nico Nico Douga (RC) - I played Rootsuma with Wakasa Quintet, and I tried it(Movie, because I do not have leeks, I am turning instruments)

Full of nostalgia's quizzes! "Magical Brain Power !! DS" - Famitsu.com(Game, "Magical Banana" and "Search for errors!" On DS)

Writer's aspiration may be a little more conscious of the judges(You should apply based on the tendency of the novel, the judges)

About the original setting and the secondary creation setting of the Haruhi character: Syu's quiz blog(Novel, one day secondary creation setting was taken into the original)

Code Geass Shirley's "tits" are popular(Hardware, other characters released at the same time are sold out)

Image certification by reading Slashdot Japan ancient documents(Software, input errors likely to increase)

Binary number keyboard: Gizmodo Japan (Gizmodo · Japan)(Hardware, Simple is best)

Home PC monitor, ideal "19 to 20 inches" "30,000 yen"(If you do not mind the hardware, quality, you get a big screen even if it is cheap)

4Gamer.net - To the resurgence of game ROM that can not be read? Elecom, CD & DVD media repair machine(Hardware, 100% can not be repaired)

About 50% of messenger users at work and school talk with friends(Software, used even during class or work)

WIRED VISION - a program to identify individuals by analyzing the characteristics of sentences(Software, programs to identify terrorists)

Moving your Windows environment to a USB memory anywhere - MojoPac to the free public Enterprise My Computer Journal(Software, if you insert the device it will automatically be reproduced by plug & play)

CEATEC JAPAN 2007: Installing demonstration machines on PC with WAN communication module, docomo and KDDI booth - ITmedia + D Mobile(Mobile, demonstration of laptop PC with built-in communication module)

CEATEC JAPAN 2007: Would you like to exchange for unwanted mobile phones and docomods? - Promote mobile recycling activities - ITmedia + D Mobile(Recycling activities that do not proceed as you think due to problems of mobile, remembrance and personal information)

CEATEC JAPAN 2007: DoCoMo demonstrates "human body communication" - utilizing my body for communication - ITmedia + D Mobile(Technology, convenient but a bit scary)

[Market conditions] Apple and PCs also gaining momentum, iMac gained top share in September (BCN) - Yahoo! News(Note, iMac is at the top of PC sales volume)

KDDI Company Info: News Release> About the launch of the new lineup of au mobile phone "W53S"(Mobile, evolved jog and dressing came back)

Comment by mobile companies on calling price reduction report(Are you skeptical about the elimination of mobile and terminal sales incentives?)

Rakuten enters online DVD / CD rental, and 20 heavy plans at once(Net service, easy to collect and borrow easily)

Many Blu-ray Disc related exhibits, 4/8 layer practical technology also(Memo, a step toward capacity increase of Blu-ray disc)

Tianhu Sun Riding: F1 Japan GP Rainy Fuji Speedway (Part 11) Rumor that Jacom, an affiliated company who was appointed from temporary staff dispatch from JTB in charge of management, abandoned his work(Motor sports seems to have withdrawn on Sunday morning by an event company pressed on responsibility for Saturday's mess)

Watermark picture of Nepalese new bill, unpopular king statue international news: AFPBB News(Overseas, although abolition of the King system is certain, the watermark remained because it was previously ordered)

Because the corridor is crowded ... "hug ban order" at middle school excite news(What's going on overseas, American middle school)

Technobahn News: "Ice maiden" discovered in the Andes mountain range, before life was fattened(Overseas, the Inca civilization sacrifice had eaten the upper class several months before the ceremony)

==== ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0(2 ch, played with a toddler)

Sony BMG "Theft of copying music purchased by me"(Copyright, whether it is only for yourself theft)

It may already be surrounded. Is not it dangerous because it is a country house? : Alfalfa mosaic(The story, it is more surrounded)

Amber-colored text - the revolutionary sushi "discount cheap"(Using food, fake fish)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Thai-style corner(Food and sushi are also sold in packs)

CNN.co.jp "Football flavor" carbonated drinking water released by US manufacturer - Business(Food, "Taste of grass when tackled during a game" ...)

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Headline news on Tuesday, October 2, 2007

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log