Free streaming streaming server "Red 5"

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"YouTube viewing is "downloading" instead of "streaming"In the article that "Macromedia Flash Media Server 2"In the case of Origin Edition, I wrote that it costs 5.2 million yen so it costs very much, but when I examine it, it is a Flash streaming server which is developed by open source"Red 5It seems that there is something like that.

The main body is made in Java, binaries for Windows · Debian / Ubuntu · MacOSX · WAR · Gentoo are provided.

ProperlyRTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol),RTMPT, RTMPS and other protocols are supported, and it seems that various tutorials are also present. I'm pretty fulfilling.

Details that I actually installed on Windows are as follows.
Red 5: Open Source Flash Server Open Source Flash

Examples of installation and tutorials are summarized below.

Red 5 Help and Information Open Source Flash

Download from below.

Red5 Downloads Open Source Flash

Before installing Red 5,JavaIt is necessary to download and install.

When you download the downloaded Red 5 installer, it will become like this. Click "Next"

Please check "I accept the agreement" and click "Next"

Click "Browse"

Select the folder where Java is installed and click "OK"

Click "Next"

Click "Next"

Since it installs all this time this time as it is without problem. Click "Next"

Click "Next"

Click "Next"

Port number setting. For this time we will use the default, so click "Next"

Click "Install"

Wait for a while because it is being installed

Further downloading of sample files will start so wait a bit more

If you click "Finish" Red5 will start up as a service

When opening a file from the start menu it becomes like this. You can see various demos by clicking "here", and you can enter "admin" for both user name and password in "administration interface".

This is one of the samples

You can also port test

Demonstration of things like delivery settings

In addition to "Red 5", software that is not yet available for downloading at the moment but which implements RTMP as follows will also be released.

AKABANA - AsDs - OpenSource RTMP Server -

It was a good age that things that looked like expensive originally unreachable items would come into hand with open source.

in Review,   Software, Posted by darkhorse