Google, considering inserting video ads into search results

According to CitiGroup's Technology Summit in New York, Google's advertising quality business product manager Nicholas Fox said that in addition to the regular text ads currently displayed in search results, video ads and image ads are inserted It is said that planning to do is under way.

Details are as below.
Slashdot | Google Mulling Video Ads In Search Results

Google Plans to Put Video Ads Into Search Results

According to Wired Blogs, in the question and answer session Mr. Fox intends to deliver the best advertisement for the user, it may be a conventional text ad, it may be an image advertisement, it may be a video advertisement, or He says it may be in other formats. Also, in that case, it seems that you are going to suppress as much as possible using sparkling effects etc as much as possible.

As an example, we have a butcher, and it is easier for users to view images of fresh meat than to explain with text in text ads, so it is easy for advertisers and users wanting information It is said to be worthwhile.

Actually, how is it?

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse