External air conditioner to car without car air conditioner

Air conditioning is essential because the inside of the car in the summer may be very hot, but it seems that the car of Scott Dawson who lives in Houston was not equipped with air conditioner. He seems to have gone in that state for three years, but finally I decided to add an air conditioner. However, Mr. Scott attached was not an ordinary car air conditioner, it was a household air conditioner.

Details are as follows.
MyFox Houston | Photo Gallery: A / C Unit Keeps Car Cool

Air conditioned with Scott.

A band is attached so as not to fall properly.

There is a hole in the ceiling with such feeling.

This air conditioner is a type of air conditioner which is attached to the window of the house originally and it is used, but to repair the air conditioner of the car, I decided to install it because it was necessary to spend $ 1,200 (about 140,000 yen) is. Whatever hot summer it seems to be chilling cold, I wonder if I needed to do this ... / /.

8/14 11:35, the article was partially modified.

in Ride, Posted by logc_nt