Iron balls weighing 680 kilometers blow up while destroying the town

Iron balls weighing 680 kilometers and widths of about 1 meter dropped out of the crane's cable destroyed 13 cars and ran across the town with three more people hurt.

Details are as follows.
Wrecking Ball Runs Amok In Pa. Town - Local News Story - WKMG Orlando

Wrecking ball wreaks havoc in Meadville - Pittsburgh Tribune - Review

The incident occurred in Pennsylvania. So, this item was used during construction to destroy the iron ball, library, it seems that the cable broke and broke as it was during use, rolling through the town.

It is already a catastrophe, but is the unfortunate that the dead did not come out?

From the following page you can see the cars and towns involved in this accident in a slideshow.

Runaway wrecking ball damages cars on North Main Street ...

in Note, Posted by darkhorse