Automatically driven robot car with PS3 mounted

It seems that attempts are being made to develop a robotic vehicle equipped with PS 3 in the United States. If it succeeds, a car that is unmanned and capable of automatic operation without remote control is said to appear.

By the way, the reason for adopting PS3 is that the installed CPU "CellIt is said that it has a powerful processing capability.

Details are as follows.
Autonomous Racing Team to Utilize a Sony PS 3 in the Upcoming 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge

According to this article,Department of Defense Advanced Defense Research Project Administration (DARPA)The team called Axion Racing to participate in the robotic car race "DARPA Urban Challenge 2007" sponsored by the company will participate in a robotic vehicle equipped with PS3 which Linux was installed this year.

The theme of this year's DARPA Urban Challenge 2007 is a robot car that can perform military replenishment missions in urban areas without human assistance or remote control, and it is planned that the GPS unit 2 installed in the robot car It seems that the PS3's four processors will analyze data sent from infrared cameras, such as computers, induction computers, laser finders, stereo cameras, and infrared cameras.

Previously at GIGAZINEThe processing capabilities of 2259 PS3 and Earth Simulator are almost equalIt seems that the move to utilize the processing capacity of PS3 for applications other than games is becoming active.

In addition, the following movie is detailed about what kind of robotic car is.

YouTube - Axion Racing Twins

in Vehicle,   Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log