Headline news on June 21, 2007

Survey of Cross-Marketing Co., Ltd. with Internet Com Inc.According to the survey, 1% of users currently use public phones today, 52.3% said they needed it, 94.6% said they would agree with those who said they would be in trouble if not at all. As the mobile phone spreads, the appearance of the telephone box has disappeared from the road and it seems to be difficult to find it when it really matters, so personally with a solar panel with a sudden battery dead corresponding to an unexpected battery exhaustion I'd like you to call me soon.

So, tomorrowJune 22Friday. A red flag incident occurred in 1908, and in 1941 the German army started a strategy of Barbarossa invading the Soviet Union. In 1971, the Iwakiyama shrine in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture was designated as an important cultural property building, and in 1978 it discovered the largest satellite Karon of Pluto. And the event circle "Super Free" which became a group rape event of Waseda University in 2004 broke up. In addition, in 1767 Wilhelm von Humboldt was founded in 1767, Tsubouchi Yukihiro was born in 1859, Actor Hiroshi Abe was born in 1964 with famous actor "TRICK" and "Unable to get married" In 1925, Felix Klein, known as the inventor of Klein's vase, died.

Today's headline news.

Asahi.com: "The End of the World as early as 2060" Newton predicts - Science(Environment, when it is late, when will it be)

CO2 emissions in 2006, China is the best in the world out of the United States YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Do you agree with the environment, national land and population?)

China's Internet surveillance situation 2, Nikkei business online also censored? : ITpro(Net,GIGAZINE is also blocked)

Penetration of the entertainment world with IKKO Round-trip "Donbuke ~" unexpected roots(Language, new-word analyst explained)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Style changes in occupation(Language, Through all about Djare)

WIRED VISION / Antibiotics do not work against bacteria, honey with(Medical, the wisdom of old people is great)

Dubai's huge island construction project "The World": Gizmodo Japan (Gizmodo Japan)(I do not go myself to overseas and the world, but make the world to myself)

CNN.co.jp Sand was killed by sharks from sharks Parents and children of rice doctor reported - Science(Accident, one person died in the accident of sand one year)

CNN.co.jp Golf course, club crash when fire occurs Nevada - USA(The accident seems to have been a pretty intense swing)

Painful news (No ∀ `): A lazy TV relay kills sports Either television itself dies(Television, sports commentary will cool down when the announcer gets excited)

Advertising marketplace Pitta! [Pitta! ](Net service, starting pre-registration from June 29)

Nikko Thread Guide Finally, we will be able to touch images projected in 3D and develop new technologies that "touch" the 3D image(Advanced technology, I want to play Katamari with this)

[Glasses that will massage the eyes around](Gadget, I'd like to use this)

ITmedia + D LifeStyle: This summer "I'm gonna buy" Select a lifetime headphone (1/4)(Hardware, large headphones that are hard to use but good sound quality outside)

ITmedia + D PC USER: Shohei Yamada's "I'd like to use such a note": New circumstances of "toughness" note - edited by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. "TOUGHBOOK" (1/2)(Hardware, "dropping" "bumping" is natural)

Creative, display equipped "ZEN STONE PLUS"(Hardware, small capacity player with capacity 2GB)

Slashdot Japan Vista desktop search can be selected for other companies(Fix with software, service pack)

Board game 'Monopoly' brings S. Johansson and others to the movies!? - eiga.com [Movie News](Do you even make a success story of a movie, the hero?

GameSpark - Party OK anytime anywhere! Wii-equipped hatchback seems to be blowing out of Canada(Game, this is an interesting promotion)

ITmedia + D Games: Microsoft holds "Xbox Night" at Shinto shrine - Darren Houston's start ball formula(Game held at the other day Yakult and Lions game)

ITmedia + D Games: Full Motion, Full Voice, Full Muscle Training with Muscle Training - "Cool Well, Horny-chan style Muscle Training Navi"(Game, this time DS is muscle training)

[1983] Game Shop 1983 Sapporo Asso Shop Blog Store Information Blog 1983 Notice of takeover decision(Game, a personal game shop that was in danger of closing shop is determined to continue)

"Why do young people quit after 3 years of exploitation?" (U35 Men's Marketing Campaign): NBonline (Nikkei Business Online)(Differences between generations in business and workplace)

Asahi.com: "Secret of winning interview", salary, labor bureau refraining from holiday questions - living(It is written in the text of the seminar that supports employment, re-employment)

What is fertile and safe management (utility of the stamp card to move the 59th staff member) [Mr. Noboru Oyama] - SAFETY JAPAN [Column] - Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.(Stamp card for work, morale improvement)

MarkeZine: ◎ Is the QR code a thing of the past? Revealed actual situation in questionnaire survey(Mobile, direct input seems to be lost)

ITmedia + D Mobile: Up to 20 people can talk at the same time - au's 'Business Messenger' will be fixed(Mobile, for corporate push-to-talk to fixed amount)

ITmedia + D Mobile: Acka Establishes Subsidiary "Acca Wireless" - From the Viewpoint of Launching Radio Service(Mobile, Acka is at the forefront of wireless communication business using WiMAX)

"Billy's Boot Camp" Hit Product in the First Half of 2007 - EC Navi Net My Computer Journal(Business, half a year passed in 2007 as well)

Magic trick that you would like to challenge on the weekend Tutorial 20 Selections P O P P O P(To those who do not have a thing to show off at a movie, banquet)

Nikkan Thread Guide Third image to make moe picture(Image, waste of talent with 2 ch also)

Akimoto @ Cybozu lab, programmer, blog mp3 for perfect nap(Support from sound, sleeping to awakening)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Record three-dimensional at 168 yen(DIY, realistic feeling is amazing)

According to the release of Slashdot Japan Tokyo Tower Miniature, the result of questionnaire release(Anxiety, answer of usage method of miniature is worrisome)

Hakata Ramen 'Ichido' Advances to New York - Kyushu News nikkansports.com(Food, nearly twice as high as Japan)

· Headline on the previous day
Headline news on Wednesday 20th June 2007

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log