Headline news on August 21, 2007

Yahoo! Sent from e-mail to cell phoneThe ability to display pictograms was added. Yahoo! Mail added the function that can send pictogram mail from PC to mobile phone in October of last year, but this time it has become possible to send pictograms from mobile terminal to PC. It is Yahoo! in domestic major web mail that you can send and receive emoji on mobile phones. Mail is the first time. Currently only au is compatible, but it seems that other carriers will correspond in turn.

So, tomorrowAugust 22. The first Red Cross Treaty was signed in 1864, the International Red Cross established, the coverage of the weather forecast interrupted during the Pacific War in 1945 was resumed, the Soviet Union August Coup died in 1991, the Crimea Peninsula President Gorbachev, who was forced into a villa, returned to Moscow. In 2004, at the 86th high school baseball tournament, Tomakomai High School attached to Komazawa University won the first ever high school baseball tournament in history as Hokkaido forces. Also, in 1936, an actor and explorer Hiroshi Kawaguchi was born. In addition, Mino Mino was born in 1944, Tamori was born in 1945, Shimazaki Fujimura, famous for "Behind the Scenes" and "Before Dawn", died in 1943 It was.

Today's headline news.

Google Maps appeared as an application for mobile phones, first on docomo News - CNET Japan(Provided by mobile, Java application)

Mobile phones used in drama summer 2007 - docomo edition (1 - 2) - ITmedia + D Mobile(Mobile, mobile phone company to sponsor almost all drama)

Japan.internet.com Daily Research - One person in four sets usage restriction function for children 's mobile(Mobile, more than 30% of children surveyed possess mobile phone)

Is it worse than North Korea? Japanese e-Government (Koichi Oku's 'Beautiful Japanese Wisdom and Spirit'): NBonline (Nikkei Business Online)(Net, usability is low)

Audition latest situation, recently declined in Yarase? | Ameba News(The story of the magazine editor who is in charge of performing arts and auditions)

Over 80% of Japanese companies collapse? INSIGHT NOW!(Work, one out of three did not produce any results)

Livedoor news - Release of "Dreaming USB Robo" and 2 DREAM LINK USB Gadgets - Solid Alliance(Hardware, retro look)

Aiphone complains to iPhone(Hardware, Aiphone company intercom company)

GameSpark - 3 Aquos of 37 inches! The dream ultimate racing game cockpit is on sale ...(Hardware, price unknown)

PSP-S110 dedicated battery pack for the new PSP is decided to stand alone! - Famitsu.com(Game, not compatible with current PSP)

Painful news (No ∀ `) New release" Harry Potter and the Chinese Empire "released ... In fact, fake, authorship made in China Furious(Copyright, I'd like to read it for a while)

Japanese animation: Increase in outsourcing to Korea etc. ... Concern of 'hollowing out' - topic: MSN daily interactive(Anime, outsourcing to foreign countries by most animation companies)

Holy Land Japan ~ Sacred place Japan ~ Overseas Reflection of "Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei" Who are the guys who put on those glasses?(Animation, pretty popular)

⊂ ✿ ◯ ◯ Д.) ├ Kazi Speed ​​≡ ≡ ≡ ⊂ √ √ √ √ √ ___ ___ ___ 1 Full Auto Auto The big incident(School, really the incident is going on)

Who decides the length of summer vacation? Excite News(There are considerable differences depending on schools and areas)

@nifty: Daily Portal Z: Upstream of the wire(I will follow the electric wire with my bicycle)

WIRED VISION - Transplantation of the microscopic telescope to the eyes(Doubles vision of healthy, macular degeneration patients)

Livedoor news - Smoking population, cut to 12% by 2011 = Canada Ministry of Health goals(Health, about 5 million out of 32.8 million people are smokers)

"Young lady like pink" is true = English college experiment - Infoseek news(Memo, it seems to be the result of evolution)

Italian Prairie Cathedral - Infoseek News(Overseas, using custard 500 kg and cream puff 50,000)

List of dangerous airlines not reported by the press(Ranking by memo, accident rate)

CNN.co.jp beer festival zoo, bear eaten naked man - kill world(Overseas, bodies found in cages)

CNN.co.jp Materazzi reveals the truth of "Zidane head butcher" - Sports(Sports, words of insult turned out)

Business Media Makoto: Los Angeles MBA study abroad diary: MBA way "How to escape from military service"(You can also escape by appealing memos, goodness of your head)

Slashdot Japan Voyager Explorer, to 30 years old(Space, do you keep moving so much?)

McDonald's, "Tsukimi Burger" "Cheese Ethnic Burger" Limited sale from September 7 (Friday)(Food, classic menu in the fall)

Persimmon pea "light peanut levitation theory" is true or exciting news(Food, I never heard of that)

"Hot Ieemon Roasted Tea" Seasonal Limited Release(Food, I do not need hot for a while yet)

New release "Cool Mint Cider" jointly developed with Lotte(Food, carbonated beverages with motif "Cool Mint Gam")

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Headline news on Monday, August 20, 2007

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log