Next week's sale "Sapporo No.1 Kaiten Tei" series is acquired as soon as possible

Scheduled to be released next Monday, June 4"Sapporo First Nobel Pepper Tea Black Pepper Soy Sauce Ramen" and "Sapporo First Noble Spicy Red Miso Ramen"I bought it because I already sold it in the neighborhood why. In conclusion, among Sapporo's best cup noodles, it was a top class taste, this is hit.

So the whole picture is as follows.
The contents of "black pepper soy sauce ramen" looks like this. It is written that there are three bags, but there are only two ... ...

I was stuck in the back, I was about to call the customer's telephone consultation room a little more, it was dangerous.

When I finely put in "black pepper soy sauce ramen", it seems quite common scene

Next is the contents of 'red peppers miso ramen'. Two more bags of liquid soup and others later. There is no spice here.

I just finished "red pepper miso ramen". Red chili peppered red small pieces came out straw.

Wait for 4 minutes with hot water in both. It is attacked by such a deja vu which seems to be somewhat nostalgic while waiting, like experiencing the same scent somewhere somewhere.

"Black pepper soy sauce ramen" just after four minutes, it looks like a wakame soup

"Red pepper miso ramen" just after 4 minutes here, red fragments are dazzling to the eyes

Then put the remaining bags into "black pepper soy sauce ramen". It turned out to be a good feeling of blackness.

Also add liquid soup to "red peppers miso ramen" to complete. It seems to be very spicy.

Although it is the taste of the key, this is really good, without joking. Both "black pepper soy sauce ramen" and "red chili pepper miso ramen" feel very good, I feel a strange oddness like a Chinese noodle of a Chinese restaurant. I feel that the texture and fragrance are very good, I want the Sapporo No. 1 series of bags to be exchanged for this. As the name of "Shakitei" also the soup is very spicey, perfection degree enough to make it "huge" even without noodles on its own. Recently, although each company has issued quite high cup noodles recently, I hope that the "Sapporo Best Nobashitei" series will definitely bring out the same concept in the future. I felt the potential ability and ability to be a famous series if I put it out with this quality. This authentic flavor is pretty cool.

It looks like the situation after having finished eating noodles, the remaining soup is really nice scent and tasty.

So, it was very tasty, it was a feast.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse