Seven administrators, arrested for image pictures, suspected of publicly displaying obscene drawings

"Image bulletin board covering "a side dish of tonight" extensively"A manager of image channel was arrested on suspicion of publicly displaying obscene drawings. Image Chanchan was receiving a home search in relation to the image leakage incident on February 26 this year, but it seems that the administrator finally came to arrest the manager.

Details are as follows.
Current affairs dot com: posting site administrator arrest = obscene image publication - annual access 7362 million cases · Kanagawa

Seven people including the president of the bulletin board management company arrested, suspected suspicion of publicly displaying obscene drawings. After receiving a house search in the image leakage incident in February, although the picture chan was continued afterwards, it seems that the investigator was also proceeding.

In newsletter, the number of accesses of last year's number is 73,600,000, but it seems to be 500,000 monthly access according to image channel. There are quite a few differences ....

Inquiries for advertising placement @ Image chan

It seems that image changer is the largest scale as a message board of obscene images, it may be one cause. Are other image bulletin boards all right?

Welcome to Image Channel for children under 18 years old)

2007/05/23 21:52 Addendum
Toru Okumura's opinion - posting site administrator arrest = obscene image publication - annual access 7362 million cases · Kanagawa
What I have written down from "I have made such a claim to defense counsel" is amazing. Is it necessary to assert this level of ... ....

The video coverage of this case is below. You are answering an interview before arresting, is this.

Yahoo! News - TV Asahi-system - "Bad is the Poster" Abusive Site Administrator, Unusual Arrest

2007/05/23 22:20 Addendum
Seven president of image posting site management, arrested by obscene drawing display: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Obscene image posted on "Image Chanchan" 7 man arrested | Case trial | Society | Sankei WEB

Since it says that 25 servers are seized as servers etc., the picture server can not be seen because the picture of "picture chan" is confiscated ... ....? The monthly income is 3.6 million yen. It seems that if seven people arrested are all administrators, it is not so, they also include employees and part-time employees in technology and sales. Is it still a problem that the profits were coming out, is this.

2007/05/23 23:32 Addendum
Seven people, lawyer Yosuke Ochiai (Tokyo Bar Association) 's day-to-day sunset ■ [Criminal case] [Internet incident] Seven president of image posting site management arrested by obscene drawing display 22:40

Measures against police service of Japan of this kind,

1 The crackdown on individual users is troublesome and troublesome and can not be done each and every time

2 I want to get maximum effect with minimum police force by letting me deal with the service operator and software developer (typical example is winny)

3 The court and the public prosecutors office will do anything concerning the internet anyway, in order to deal with persons with service pressure etc. by dealing with pressures and coping with it, especially when dealing with persons who are unfavorable (from the viewpoint of the police), arresting and detention to detain the press massively I do not know, even if it is not prosecuted, just arrested and detained, you can show off the power of the police

It seems to be based on the idea of.

But it seems that it can not afford to be idle for a reason, because "I am not doing so because it is safe".

For the moment, police are steadily grading land in areas where sympathy is difficult to gather, such as "child pornography" and "obscenes", but in the morning that these routes are fully established, It is better to think seriously that we are now at the risk of flying away to areas related to the basis of democracy, such as criticism of power, speech on the backside of politicians .

in Note, Posted by logc_nt