I tried to eat a heating type stationary valve from Spitsho smoke appearing from one end

A heating-type lunch box that I was concerned with since I saw it with "Mister Tasting". I learned that the lunch box company "Awajiya" who adopted it for the first time had a home delivery service and immediately ordered all heated lunch boxes. Would you heat it while spraying violent steam again?

Details are as below.
This time I ordered a bento shop "Awaji shop" designated by JR West Japan. There are five kinds of heated lunch boxes: "Sukiyaki Lunch Box", "King Harima", "Honey Container Lunch Box", "Sukiyaki Rice", "Achilli Beef Salt Tan Bento". E - home delivery of Internet reception is only in some areas of Kobe and Osaka.

Awaji shop lunch box

Delivered wrapped in a huge paper bag.

Awaji shop logo.

I am careful not to put it in a hot place.

It is piled up like this.

Once taken out one by one and stacked vertically, it became quite high.

I put it side by side. The top two are octagonal boxes and the bottom 3 are square.

Pull the string and it will be heated.

Explanation with drawing.

Attention. It seems to be banned to eat on aircraft.

First of all, it heats it from a concert bento.

Oh, there is not much smoke.

Considerable high temperature. After heating it instantaneously rose to 84 degrees.

I set the time until the heat spreads and opened it.

Sauce and pickled · wet sheets were contained.

Equipment is like this.

Completed riding Sauce and pickles.

The taste is pretty amusing. For a meal that does not seem like a cold lunch but is coming out in the dining room. I was surprised at just heating to see if it is so different.

Next, bovine salt tan box lunch.

After all I do not smoke much.

Inside the box.

Salt and pepper and miso sauce included. There is no overwork.

Pretty simple.

I feel luxurious when putting all the child bags.

It is crisp and easy to eat. However, because there are not so many ingredients, you will regret on the last person if you do not eat it considering the balance with rice.

Next time is Sukiyaki.

Should I stop having fun with smoke?

There is nothing attached to the accessories. Let's start eating as it is after pulling a strap.

Seasoning is quite dark eyes. I can see a small amount of ingredients, but a lot of burdocks are sliding into it. Because the taste of sukiyaki is soaked in rice thoroughly, it is easy to thirst. It is safe to avoid people who like light seasoning.

Sukiyaki bento.

The octagonal box also has no change in the amount of smoke.

What a raw egg with.

I can enjoy enjoying the eggs to eat and eat.

Because of raw eggs It is a different approach from the previous snacks of rice, which makes it more like a sucky taste. Recommended for those who want to taste the whiskey easily.

Finally "King Harima". Since I was not on the E - home delivery list, I wrote it in the questionnaire column and ordered it. Actually, this lunch box, written in reply of order e-mail as being in production discontinuation, was written in the bag delivered on that day for some reason why. Thank you Awaji shop.

Sound comes out, but smoke with vigor is not visible.

There is a ponzu.

There are lots of ingredients that are crisp and it seems that the nutrition balance is the best among the five we asked for this time. But this lunch caught on a trap entered quietly as you normally eat it. Because a large amount of seaweed and Maloney are tightly packed under the tool that looks when opening the lid. Editor who casually caught it and it decided to digest seaweed and maloney with ponzu lastingly.

By the way, under the box lunch there is a heating unit combining quicklime and water.

The slaked lime after the reaction can be reused as fertilizer etc.

Of course, the box lunch is on the bottom and there is no volume as seen from the outer box.

The fever unit of King Harima and Sukiyaki box lunch looks like this.

About half the space is a heating unit.

The contents of the unit look like this.

Eventually it was a bit disappointing that I had never spurt out the steam with the violent momentum of all five. Although I felt that smoke had gotten out swiftly in "Mister Tasting child", is it a memory mismatch? If you think calmly, you can not sell such dangerous things. Heat also became extremely hot only with Confucius Bento, other lunches up to around 65 degrees. Still it will be so hot that you can not have it, so be careful if you have the opportunity to eat.

in Tasting,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log