A sequel of that "X-file" is under construction

It is said that a sequel of that "X - file" is under construction. Even if we say the sequel, "TV series"X-file"Not in the movie as" X file the movie "in 1998, it is said that the talk of filming is ongoing again.

Details are as follows.
"X-Files" Film Sequel In the Works - Slice of Scifi

Big Light: IT 'S TRUE

This was accepted by Frank Spotnitz who was in charge of the draft of "X file" in his own blog, details of the scenario are unknown, but it is said that the script is actually being produced. I wonder what the story will be like ....

Also, I read and understood Wikipedia, but it is still until the 9th season .... I only remember about the 3rd season ... ....

in Note, Posted by darkhorse