Show where you are sick "Who is Sick?"

When you enter your own medical condition and region, it is a net service displayed on the map as a graph. The regional medical condition ranking is also displayed, and it is possible to talk about the way to improve disease etc. by using the forum.

So I tried using it.
Who is Sick?

The symptoms are red (runny nose, stuffy, sneezing and allergies), green (cough and sore throat), yellow (fever and cold), black (headache), orange (muscle pain / body pain / fatigue), blue (stomachache · Diarrhea · nausea · red frame (other) are color coded.

On the right side is displayed the disease status ranking of the area displayed on the map and when the sickness started.

Enter the place to live and the date, age, gender, details on which the medical condition began, check what is applicable to the current medical condition Post.

Then it will be displayed on the map.

People suffering from stomach pain in Tokyo.

As of April 19, the forum has been established only in the United States.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log