Price .com, checking the lowest price just by reading the barcode on mobile phone
Price comparison site "Price .com", which operates Today, uses the camera function of the mobile phone from April 18th to read the barcodes of the products lined up in the shop, and the PC, Mobile phone application that can access about 150,000 points of lowest price information and word-of-mouth information such as home appliances, cameras, games, DVDs "Price barcode searchIt is said that we began offering.
"The way to see the real thing in the nearby store and check the lowest price at the price .com" will make it easier to use it.
Details are as follows.
(PDF file)Price .com, launching product search application with enhanced mobile service
Accessible information from product barcode with one click
~ Price comparison and reputation checks on the go even more convenient ~
According to this release, from today price at price .com mobile site "price .com mobile", by reading the bar code (JAN code) attached to the product using the camera function of the mobile phone, the price. It seems that the i-appli "price barcode search" that can access the lowest price information and the word-of-mouth information published in com is started.
The screen looks something like this.
click here to download.
Price .com Mobile application price barcode search
Compatible models are DoCoMo's FOMA 90 * / FOMA 70 * series, D800iDS / D851iWM, but it is a place where you would like other applications for mobile phone manufacturers to appear.
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in Mobile, Software, Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log