Compare the number of humans God and the devil killed in the Bible

The devil is not the only one who kills people. God also kills people to punish and keep the world in harmony. So, here is a graph of the number of people killed by God and the devil in the Bible.

Details are as below.

How many did God kill vs Satan?

You can see the overwhelming difference between God and the devil at a glance.

The number of people killed exceeded 30 million if it was a complete version that took into account the flood. Almighty is not Date.

Dwindling In Unbelief: How many has God killed? (Complete list and estimated total)

Below is a map of the pros and cons of teaching evolution at public schools. You can see the greatness of God's power.

97 --Where (and How) Evolution Is Taught In the US

Red is a state that does not need to teach evolution, green is a state that should teach evolution, and yellow is a state that 'it is not okay to teach'.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log