A map showing the population per physician around the world

It is a map showing how many people in the world have a population per doctor. If the population per doctor is so large, it means that the medical care does not reach it, but what is the current situation like?

Details are as follows.
Number Of Inhabitants Per Doctor

Data seems to be based on the World Health Report 2006.

Although it may be rude to say unexpectedly, 170 people in Cuba have the smallest population per doctor. There are 220 people in Belgium and Belarus, 230 people in Russia and Greece. There are 390 in the US, 500 in Japan and 950 in China. On the other hand, in Tanzania and Malawi, there are only one in 50,000 people, there are only one doctor in 33,500 people in Niger, Liberia, Ethiopia, Burundi and Mozambique.

Even though Japan is a pretty blessed person, it is a story that doctors are not enough to go to the rural areas, but it is not a very strange thing to see that there are fewer doctors than that.

Doctors of the World - USA: Health is a Human Right

in Note, Posted by logc_nt