I tried drinking "Kirin Lemon Select" and "Kirin Lemon Black"

3月27日(火)から税抜き140円で発売されている「キリンレモンセレクト」と「キリンレモンブラック<レモン・ジンジャー>」を買って飲んでみました。以前にもキリンレモンセレクトという名前の商品はIt seems that it was outWhat kind of taste is it?

Details are as below.

First off Kirin Lemon Select. I just feel like it is just being written as Sicily. When I asked the customer's telephone consultation room what is different from ordinary lemon, there is no material special mention about the difference in taste, but the fact that the producing area is clear is selling. I have ever made a drink containing Sicilian lemonOtsuka Beverage siteAccording to Sicilian lemon, it has a strong taste and flavor born from its unique climate.

Contents is like this. Colorless transparent.

It is less acidic than ordinary kirin lemon and it has become quite mild taste, it has become a taste close to Mitsuya Cider. Personally I did not like the strong acidity of the normal version so much, but the balance between sweetness and sourness of select is pretty preferred and it is okay. It may not be suitable for people who like the taste of giraffe lemon.

Then Kirin lemon black lemon ginger. Jack Sparrow is there because it is a limited edition tied up with a movie.

Will on the back.

Inside is like this. As the name suggests, it is black.

Although it looks only as a cola, it tastes like a guarana drink. Ginger's pungent taste is not so much, and this is also amusing coupled with the freshness of lemon. Especially, since some taste is not strong, it can be said that it is a halfway taste, so it might be disappointing to expect an exciting taste from the package.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log