Microsoft Anti Virus Software, Outlook Mail Incorrectly Deleted Mail

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previouslyNorton erroneously recognizes it as a virus and deletes dataAlthough I made a mistake, this time the anti-virus software Microsoft launched "Windows Live OneCareHas been deleting all of the e-mails of Outlook one after another, and it is making a big fuss in Microsoft's forum.

Details are as follows.
Outlook and Outlook Express Mail Store Missing or Quarantined (combined threads here) - Windows Live OneCare

Already at this moment this thread has more than 100 losses, and some people appeal that "Bill Gates knows this!" "Norton's new product is still better!" To a pretty messy condition.

Apparently, it is normally supposed to perform quarantine processing when mail is included in mail received by Outlook, but what is going to happen? In Microsoft's "special circumstances", if you delete each mail Thing. Moreover, deleting the whole folder containing the mail (a series of files that are sorted out or the like), frequent occurrences of unrecoverable cases, and angry voices are successive from users. It can not be said that it can be surely recovered by the restoration method presented by Microsoft, and it also results in placing more oil on fire.

Although it seems that improvement will be added so that it will not be like this in the next update, it is unpredictable how far damage will expand until then.

in Note,   Software, Posted by darkhorse