Although it is the release date of Windows Vista, Umeda Yodobashi has no one

So, I arrived around 18:30 earlier, but no one was lined up. No, exactly the only one in front was GIGAZINE editorial department. Besides, the cheap DSP version does not find any reason to line up after 9:30 tomorrow's release ... ....

Since I can not help it, I was waiting till around 19:10 with a little hope that someone would line up, but finally no one came. I asked the store clerk what the trouble would be at the top, but it became completely useless.

So, please have a stunning movie without anyone at all.
First of all, usual crossover. No one is here. I can not see.

In the case of PS 3 and Wii, there are no people lined up as much

There is sale in front of Yodobashi vision, but here is where it is lined up. I got the confirmation of the clerk. At this point in fact I learn about the startling fact that GIGAZINE editorial department is the first.

DSP version is not sold. And what are the merits .... You'd better go to Nihonbashi.

No one is here……

So this is that movie. A clerk of a Yodobashi camera is in and out, but nobody tries to line up one by one. Through everyone splendidly.

In addition, it seems that they are beginning to line up normally in Akihabara.

Windows Vista Midnight sale - National breaking news page

If you think carefully and sell on weekdays at midnight 0 o'clock. In the case of Umeda, there is no last train if it is not too close ... ... That's not the case ... In addition, it is not a DSP version, and especially on the day when I came without an event, I decided to wake up.

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in Note,   Software,   Video, Posted by darkhorse