Taste of Nissin's mysterious test student cheering noodle "Winner sausage NOODLE"?

It is a noodle supporting examinee for a heart warming phrase "Winner WINNER (Winner only), Winner!" As I saw it at a convenience store, I bought it, it was a magical item that was not posted on the official page of Nissin for some reason.

About the taste you are interested in, the identity is from the following.

Details are as follows.
I just opened the lid. There is a wiener properly.

Wait 3 minutes and it will be completed.

Although I tried to eat it, the soup contains small garlic chips, it is a thick and tender spicy black pepper. However, when asked if it is "spicy pork soy sauce taste" written in the package, I am not a bit confident. The same as normal cup noodles. Winner, the main tool, was pretty solid and seasoned.

Incidentally, when I contacted Nissin, "Winona Sausage NOODLE" seems to be a limited item released in FamilyMart 's student campaign campaign. So are not they listed on the official Nissin page ...?

Wish prayers! Candidate campaign starts!
Entry Sentai Ukaranger Appears!

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log