Everyday, thousands of mobile phones are left behind in the taxi's backseat

According to Sweden's security software giant Pointsec Mobile Technologies, as a result of an international survey targeting 2,000 taxi drivers in 11 major cities around the world, cellular phones, USB memory, laptop computers, etc. are thousands of pace each day It seems that it turned out to be misplaced.

For example, in the case of London, 54,874 mobile phones (ratio of 2 for each taxi) in the past 6 months, 4718 mobile information terminals and Pocket PC, 3179 portable PCs (laptops), 923 It seems that the USB memory was misplaced on the back seat of the taxi. Moreover, this number is only the ones that were notified. Actually it seems more.

So, about the circumstances of taxi 's forgotten around the world. How long will it be returned at a rate ...?
New survey reveals thousands of mobile devices left behind in major U.S. city taxi cabs

These kinds of forgotten things are occurring in various cities of the world, but London seems to have forgotten more mobile phones than any other city, and it can be said that the top of the most memorable city Thing. Second place is Bombay with 32,970, third in Sydney losing 6440 mobile phones. Even in portable information terminals such as Pocket PC, London is the top with 4718 units. The second place is 2260 in Washington. The third place is 1902 in Munich and 1125 in Berlin, Germans also said that they are easy to forget things. Why is that, the national temperament?

The number of lost portable PCs (laptop computers) is also the number one in London with 3179 units. The second place is 355 in Munich and the third in 349 in Bombay. London is overwhelming, what is happening to British people?

However, according to the survey results, 75% of average customers in the world can take over their mobile phones when forgotten by taxi. About 78% of Pocket PCs and portable PCs are returning to their owner's hands, and in almost all cases, it seems that taxi drivers chase their customers and hand them over. And the return rate top again is London. Indeed 96% of mobile phones are being returned to the owner. Because of this kind of circumstances I wonder if I forget to forget even if I forget it ... ....

But in San Francisco the circumstances are very different, only 32% of customers are recovering their mobile phones. Only 32% was able to recover the portable PC. Is it a difference in the quality of a taxi driver ...?

in Note,   Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log