100 explosive shoot explosive species I tried stir-frying corn in a frying pan

Burst species I bought at the 100 yen shop I tried stirring one corn with a frying pan and as it turned out, popcorn continued to increase endlessly and it became ridiculous. It is only 100 yen to finish making this amount ... ....

The playback of the movie is from the following.
Spilling more and more ...

A map of the middle of overflowing

Although it does not rupture if it is not the corn of the explosive species, I tried various things, such as applying soy sauce and salt pepper after I finished it, but it was hard to eat this amount. The explosive species of 100 yen This amount of corn can be said that popcorn like movie theaters has a high profit margin? Because the drinks such as cola are water objects, the profit ratio is high, not to mention it ... ....

in Note,   Tasting,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log