I tried "Sapporo potato" and "Saya noisu" which cut oils

Calbee cut 55% and 25% of oil from 'Sapporo Potato' and 'Saya Yuu' respectively, "40 g Sapporo Potato Plump Vegitable Light" and "45 g Sayarin Light" were on sale so I immediately bought and tried it . I am concerned about how the taste changes as a result of cutting oil.

Details are as follows.News release "40 g Sapporo Potato Muzzu vegetable light" "45 g Sayarin Den Light"

Sapporo Potato Light. It looks almost the same as ordinary one.

Saya dendro Light. This looks the same as well.

Although I tried eating, both of them felt just like I just finished the current flavor with a crispy flavor. However, Sapporo potato is too refreshing and thirsty. Sapporo potatoes who are not suppressed oil than sapporo potatoes are good for mouth, and they are popular with editorial staff as they can eat crispy.

Is it still impossible to reduce oil too much ...?

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log