About various types of malware developed with open source method

McAfee launched a security research magazine "Sage" (she seems to read "sage" instead of "Sage"). It is distributed as PDF and download is free. The contents of the first issue are fairly substantial, and it looks like the following.

■ Misused good intentions:
How the open source principle is useful in evolving the threat in the back society of malware.

■ Financial motivation that changed everything:
How the monetary motivation and open source practices have transformed the characteristics and quality of malware.

■ Bot development requiring sophistication:
Impact of professional development method on this particular malware, verification of what the professional development method means and problems.

That's why it's pretty interesting. Since the history of viruses is pretty well organized, it must be read. Download from below.
AVERT Labs Publications

Clicking on the image written as "Sage" switches to the page "About personal information protection", so after clicking the "I agree" at the bottom, if you answer only the items necessary for the questionnaire, the download page will appear. File capacity is really 24 MB. It's 44 pages in total, so it's quite a volume.

Within this, using open source techniques, we are touched on malware, bots, and rootkit, where variants are being made more and more from published source code, improvements are repeated every day. It seems that powerful tools and methods are equally powerful in the opposite direction.

in Note,   Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log