I bought a super tiny moucho
Limited time to be released until Saturday, September 30 "Super snow mouchoHowever, I bought it for trying how much sour it is.
In conclusion, it is finished in the taste like potatoes vinegared. It is bad if you do not like sours. I frequently eat sour foods, but I felt like "Is this like this?", But people who are not, that seems to feel extremely sour if not familiar.
Looks like this ... It looks like normal
You have quite a few calories. It seems that "sour" is "powdered vinegar". Is it simply the amount of this?
If the chip is large in size, the flour will not spread evenly, so the taste will fall apart, but if it is a small size chip it will be awesome taste as powder adheres a lot. At first, since I was eating big things, I thought that it was rather spicy, but it was a big misunderstanding ....
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in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log