Compare HD image quality and DVD image quality

I will listen to HD movie as clean, but let's compare how beautiful and precise it is with DVD. When you look at this way you can see that the DVD is surprisingly "rough".

See the address below.
Fellowship of the Ring - HD vs DVD

It seems that the object to be compared is "Lord of the Rings".

If you hover the mouse over the image, the same scene is displayed for HD image quality. I understand that the fine condition is quite different.

Also, as for DVDs, those with increased image quality are also on sale. If Japanese dubbing is unnecessary it seems better to choose this one.


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In addition, digital terrestrial broadcasting still seems to be unable to fully demonstrate its image quality.

Slashdot Japan | Is the quality of digital terrestrial broadcasting good or bad?

It seems that it seemed to be so if you thought that there were sometimes strange programs with strange picture quality.

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log