"Snipshot" which can edit images online

The maximum image size that can be edited is 5000 × 5000 pixels, up to 10 MB. Various image editing such as resizing, clipping, rotation, etc. are possible. Edited images can be downloaded and saved in GIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, PSD, TIFF format. It can also be saved with Flickr's account. You can use it when processing for blogs or when there is no image editing software at hand but you need to edit it.

I actually tried using it, so I will summarize what it is like.
Snipshot: Edit pictures online

Specify an image on the online from the "Open from URL" on the top page, or upload it by specifying an image file on the hard disk from "Open from your computer".

The uploaded image is displayed like this. If you click "Resize" a frame will appear so you can resize it by moving it.

After resizing is like this. You can move it to the center by dragging as it is. To return to the original press "Undo" in the upper left, or return with "Ctrl + Z"

To crop out, click "Crop" and move the displayed box. The frame can also deform the size.

You can also rotate by clicking "Rotate"

By clicking "Adjust" it is possible to change the size by specifying the width and height, and to change the contrast and brightness.

Click "Save" in the upper right corner to display the save screen. Please in your favorite format.

Save and close at the end

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log