Extreme spicy columno vs columnocho

"Extreme spicy columno" which was released from Monday isApproximately eight times as hot as a columnoAnd that. Whether it is so painful or whether it is painful to have an effect of preventing summer, I tried to become a pillar.
This comparison graph on the back of the package ... I do not feel like eating dondon (Abbreviation)

Also, when a hit sticker comes out, it seems that you can receive five kinds of secret taste, but the energy to buy until a hit sticker comes out (short)

Well, as a comparison subject I went to buy a normal columno in accordance with the title, but all the convenience stores in the neighborhood are all this "cold shocho" for the reason why there is no missing normal version of the essence. Apparently it is such a strategy ...? Eventually I stayed in the neighborhood's supermarket, so I bought it. In this way it is now possible to compare.

Comparison. Normal on the left, 8 times as much right on the right. Obviously it is called contrast, or more vivid color on the right. I want to run away.

Normal enlarged shooting

Shoot enlarged extremely

First of all, normal is one thing. Yeah, yummy. Next, I am having a lot of extreme taste. that? I thought that it did not taste ... Garbage as soon as I swallowed it.

As impressions, the normal version tastes even a small amount, but the extreme version does not taste unless it is grasped quite well. No, it is said that the taste has disappeared due to its hotness. As a result, people with extreme taste like potato fried with a little skin with a little eat. Habanero which I compare well is Poteko when eating and the aftertaste is spicy, but it was this columno and cold shop that I divided the habanero very much. When I ate it, the taste is columnyo, the aftertaste is extremely hot, this is like habanero.

So, I also tried to mix normal and extreme, but it is not good.

As it seems, if you notice, the normal people are decreasing and Dongdon is decreasing, the extremely hot people remain in large quantities, but how to dispose of it

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log