The most frequently used search site is 59% for "Yahoo!"
As a result, 59% of Yahoo! 's most popular search sites are used in Japan,' Google 'ranked second in 25%, and third place' 4% in 'MSN'.
Presentation result of 'Search engine actual situation survey' result (PDF)
However, in terms of the attention rate of search results, "Yahoo!" is 60%, "Google" is 80%. Since attention to sponsor sites rises as age goes up, it seems that online advertising seems to be quite effective in approaching parts of higher age group.
In summary it looks like the following.
· The trigger for the search is that men are articles of newspapers and magazines, women from TV program and acquaintance's reviews
· The Yahoo! JAPAN search result screen shows that as the age goes up, the attention degree of "upper sponsor site"
· Search results are viewed up to the 4th page on average
· If you are not satisfied with the search result, 90% or more manipulate the keyword and search again
· The Web site displayed duplicated in the search result is "persistent", but the image of "famous company"
I do not know whether it is a newspaper or a magazine or the influence of a TV program, but there was a time when a person who searched by "FamilyMart" soy sauce ramen musubi "occupied the top of the search result. Also, although I was doing on what kind of TV program, if you decide keywords and write blog posts referring to the program summary of the newspaper's TV column, it seems that the number of people coming from search results will increase dramatically. Is it good that the influence of the existing mass media is still "big"?
In the case of the United States, the circumstances are different again, with the result that 49% for "Google", 22% for "Yahoo!" and 11% for "MSN" 3 .
Google and Yahoo! Outpace Overall Search Growth and Increase Market Share in March, According to Nielsen // NetRatings
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in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log