I bought a heat-resistant glass electric kettle 'Hario Power Kettle'

As you can see, it is an electric kettle made of heat-resistant glass. About 1 liter will boil to 100 degrees in about 6 minutes.
Hario Power Kettle

The box looks like this

I tried to open it

It's cordless and can be removed, so it's convenient to take it to a doco after boiling.

The cord can be stored on the bottom when rolled up
The handle is a little large

Up to 1.2 liters

Bottom of the body

This is the power plate part. Even if it's boiling, it doesn't get hot, so it's okay to put it on your desk.

Bottom part of power plate

The instructions are full of warnings

It's crazy

And this is a movie that shot the actual boiling
If you boil water with Hario's power kettle 'EPK-12W', you can see the situation well-YouTube
As you can see, it boils quite violently. I really like it because I don't get tired of just looking at it from the side. For those who have a question mark on the heat retention function of the electric kettle, those who want to use boiling water to the maximum, and those who are concerned about the smell of the pot. In particular, since this is made of glass, it does not smell anything and you can drink anything very comfortably. The rest is a little fashionable to watch.
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in Review, Posted by darkhorse_log