How to distribute load using MySQL Cluster

It is load balancing, is it commonplace to say.
How To Set Up A Load-Balanced MySQL Cluster | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

It seems to call it "MySQL Cluster" exactly.
Although the way detailed to the above site is explained, it seems quite good.

MySQL AB :: MySQL Cluster

MySQL, clustered technology "MySQL Cluster" announced, the official version this year 3Q

It has high throughput, fault tolerance, fast failover of less than 1 second, scalability etc, which can build reliable cluster system with low price hardware.
No need for shared data storage.
Availability 99.999% corresponds to an annual downtime of 5 minutes or less.
Response time is 5-10 ms

The script to use for the new GIGAZINE is MySQL without breaking the most recent example, but in the unlikely event that if the operation speed becomes too slow, it is better to think about introducing such kind of thing ......

Are the following articles quite familiar elsewhere?

[Special Issue] Trial MySQL Cluster - Create a Clustered Distributed Address Book (1) Open Source Software and Challenge for High Availability (MYCOM PC WEB)

in Note,   Software, Posted by darkhorse_log