Microsoft's project "Ori gamet" Movie leaked for publicity?
Or is Microsoft purposely shedding?
Details are as below.
YouTube - Origami Project Ad
There are also 4 minutes and 6 seconds, but as I see it, it looks like a thing I made it mischief .... It covers every use that can be imagined as an application. As a normal tablet, as a car navigation system, remote control is also possible, games can be done, and so on.
The logo of "Origami" coming out at the end is very much like that.
2006/03/02 6:00add to
This video seems to belong to the marketing company Digital Kitchen's website, it seems to be the initial version.
ITmedia News: Is Origami both a video and a web surfing?
"Origami is the concept we have worked with our partners.
The video on the site of Digital Kitchen is one year ago, and the video usage, scenario,
Please be aware that it shows the initial quest for this form factor. "
Microsoft spokespeople are talking.
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in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log