What is the most popular programming language among programmers? The ranking of popular programming languages for February 2025 will be announced

TIOBE , a Dutch company that evaluates the quality of programming code, publishes the TIOBE Index , a monthly ranking of the most popular programming languages among developers. The February 2025 edition of the TIOBE Index has just been released.


TIOBE calculates ratings based on the number of searches for words containing programming languages on search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Baidu, as well as on services such as Wikipedia, YouTube, and Amazon, and creates the 'TIOBE Index,' a ranking of the most popular programming languages.

Below are the rankings of the TIBOE Index for February 2025. Python , which took first place in October 2021, remained in the top spot, but the C language fell behind C++ and Java .

February 2025 Rankings February 2024 Rankings Programming Language Search Rate Changes in search rates
1 1 Python 23.88% +8.72%
2 3 C++ 11.37% +0.84%
3 4 Java 10.66% +1.79%
4 2 C 9.84% -1.14%
5 5 C# 4.12% -3.41%
6 6 JavaScript 3.78% +0.61%
7 7 SQL 2.87% +1.04%
8 8 Go 2.26% +0.53%
9 12 Delphi/Object Pascal 2.18% +0.78%
10 9 Visual Basic 2.04% +0.52%
11 11 Fortran 1.75% +0.35%
12 15 Scratch 1.54% +0.36%
13 18 Rust 1.47% +0.42%
14 10 PHP 1.14% -0.37%
15 twenty one R 1.06% +0.07%
16 13 MATLAB 0.98% -0.28%
17 14 Assembly language 0.95% -0.24%
18 19 COBOL 0.82% -0.18%
19 20 Ruby 0.82% -0.17%
20 14 Prolog 0.80% +0.03%

TIOBE states that in recent years, programming languages have become increasingly popular, with speed being emphasized. On the other hand, the slower Python continues to grow in popularity, stating that because it is easy to learn, it is often chosen as the first language by people who want to become software engineers.

Meanwhile, in the 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey , an annual survey by the developer community Stack Overflow, many users answered 'JavaScript' to the question 'Programming language, scripting language, or markup language that you have used most in the past year/want to use in the next year.' When narrowing it down to programming languages, 'Python' and 'SQL' ranked next, showing a gap with the rankings in the TIOBE Index.

The results of the annual survey '2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey,' which asked more than 65,000 developers about their 'favorite language,' 'favorite OS,' 'favorite development environment,' and 'favorite AI,' are released - GIGAZINE

TIOBE says, 'The TIOBE Index is merely an index of programming language popularity, not the best programming language. The TIOBE Index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to decide which programming language to adopt when starting to build a new software system.'

in Software,   , Posted by log1r_ut