This is what happens when you watch a paintball collision in super slow motion at 82,000 fps


The Slow Mo Guys , who shoots various things with a high-performance high-speed camera, such as ' the moment when a super-giant balloon breaks ' and ' the moment when a bullet hits a bullet ', has released a movie that captures 'three paintballs colliding with each other' at an ultra-high frame rate of 82,000 fps.

Triple Mid-Air Paintball Collision at 82,000 FPS - The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube

Paintballs are shot using a special gun. First, set up the gun.

Load the paintballs.

Pull the string and pull the trigger.

White smoke rose as soon as the missile was fired.

Check out the footage shot at 82,000 fps. The three balls approaching each other are clearly visible.

Unfortunately, the red and orange balls just pass each other by.

Still, the orange and blue balls collided.

Spread paint and debris all around.

This is where the fine-tuning begins.

Despite an incident where Dan from The Slow Mo Guys was hit directly by a paintball fragment, they continued to try and fail.

There was also a close call when two balls collided with each other and one ball collided with the resulting debris.

As this doesn't work, they try firing the three guns close together.

After much trial and error, I was able to capture the shot below. The balls form a triangle and gradually get closer to the target.

The blue ball collided with the red and orange balls.

The video clearly shows the paint splattering from the three broken paintballs.

The Slow Mo Guys exploded with joy and embraced each other tightly.

However, despite the success of the challenge, the cleanup was a tough task, with paint splattered everywhere, including on the light hood.

This had Dan scratching his head.

in Science,   Video, Posted by log1r_ut