In preparation for a nuclear war, the United States has prepared road signs saying things like '5 miles to nuclear shelter' and 'keep as fast as possible.'

The Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which defines standards for road signs and traffic lights in the United States, includes road signs that anticipate nuclear war, such as 'signs indicating the distance to a nuclear shelter' and 'signs requiring high-speed movement to quickly pass through areas with a lot of radioactive material.' Road signs are prepared.
MUTCD 11th Edition - FHWA MUTCD
If You Ever See This Speed Sign, You're Probably Going To Die - The Autopian
Below is the 'sign indicating the distance to the nuclear shelter' written in the 11th edition of the MUTCD published in 2023. This sign is published in the chapter presenting 'emergency signs' in the MUTCD and is intended for use in areas where biological or chemical weapons have been used or in areas contaminated by radioactive fallout.

There is also a road sign called 'MAINTAIN TOP SAFE SPEED'. This sign is also intended for situations where you are crossing an area contaminated by radioactive fallout, and can be installed on top of an existing speed limit sign. In addition, in an emergency situation where a 'MAINTAIN TOP SAFE SPEED' sign is required, it is impractical to follow the normal speed classification, so the operation of 'verbally instructing the minimum speed limit' is implemented. Since staying at a point with this sign for a long time will have undesirable results, you need to step on the accelerator and get through as fast as possible.

These signs were developed during the Cold War, when the risk of radioactive contamination of the earth by nuclear weapons was a real concern - in fact, the 1971 edition of the MUTCD has a lengthy chapter entitled 'Civil Defense Signs.'
Although there have been no reported instances of the above signs actually being used, there are apparently warning signs in the United States that read 'Near a bombing range, beware of falling debris from airplanes.'
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in Vehicle, Posted by log1o_hf