X (formerly Twitter) accounts are the exclusive property of X, with priority ownership, and users only own the content they post and display.

It has been revealed that X is disputing the fact that Alex Jones' website 'Infowars,' which went bankrupt after having to pay damages for spreading conspiracy theories, was acquired by 'The Onion,' a satirical news site, through a bankruptcy auction. X claims that the account was X's in the first place and that 'users only own the content they post, transmit, or display.'
Case 22-33553 Document 937 Filed in TXSB on 11/25/24
(PDF file)
X's Objection to the Onion Buying InfoWars Is a Reminder You Do Not Own Your Social Media Accounts
X says The Onion can't have Alex Jones' Infowars accounts
Elon Musk Claims X Owns Alex Jones, InfoWars Accounts, Not The Onion

Alex Jones is a celebrity who runs the website 'Infowars,' YouTube, and X, and has been promoting conspiracy theories such as 'the September 11 attacks were a plot by the US government.' However, Jones was sued for large damages for claiming that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax and filed for bankruptcy. His assets, including 'Infowars,' were sold at a bankruptcy auction.
The successful bidder for the assets was The Onion, a satirical news site that has announced it plans to restructure the site to feature content creators and others.

However, X has disputed the inclusion of Infowars' X account among the assets obtained by The Onion.
In its complaint, X argues that the X Account is its exclusive property and that X has priority ownership over it, and that any transfer or sale of the Account requires X's express written consent.
X also noted that what it is providing on its platform is a 'personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non-transferable, non-exclusive license' and that users 'do not own an account, they only own the content that they post, submit or display.'
Judge Christopher Lopez, who is overseeing Infowars' bankruptcy auction, has halted the transaction for an investigation and plans to hold a hearing in December to ensure a fair and transparent process.
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in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt