'Coral' is a free subpixel rendering style color font.

Coral Font

The font ' Coral ' created by

Tanuki Font is a font that reproduces the unique pixel feel and color bleeding of subpixel rendering , a pixel drawing technology on LCD and OLED monitors. In addition to kana and alphanumeric characters, it also contains plenty of JIS Level 2 kanji, so I actually downloaded it and tried using it.

Coral (free font) Tanuki Font

You can download the Sango font from the 'Download Link' at the bottom of the page. Click 'Download 'Sango' (v1.01) (free font)'. Sango can be used free of charge for any purpose, whether for personal or commercial use.
Coral Font

Unzip the downloaded 'Sango_1_01.zip' file using

Explzh or similar.
Coral Font

The contents of the extracted file look like this. Click on the 'JA' folder.

Coral Font

The coral font contains color font files in OpenType-SVG format and color font files in COLR/CPAL format. Since we will be using the SVG format this time, click the 'SVG' folder.
Coral Font

The Sango Font distribution page contains a compatibility table for each software for SVG and COLR/CPAL formats.

Coral Font

Click on 'Sango-JA-SVG.ttf' in the folder to open the font file.

Coral Font

Click 'Install' to complete the font installation.

Coral Font

When I checked the font list in

Adobe Photoshop , I found that 'Coral JA-SVG' had been added.
Coral Font

Let's try using the coral font. The following is a scene from the manga '

The Part-Time Life of a Hero and a Corporate Slave ' in which a hero from another world gets lost in a game company and is greeted by his friends.
Coral Font

I changed the line 'Hero!' to a coral font. This just makes the letters look a little blurry, but doesn't make them very distinctive.

Coral Font

When you zoom in, you can see the pixelated characters and color blur that are characteristic of subpixel rendering. Coral fonts are great for displaying large text or as part of a digital-style design.

Coral Font

In addition, the two lines of text below written in coral font have been set in Photoshop as 'blue' on the left and 'red' on the right, but there was no change in the appearance of the text.

Coral Font

In Photoshop, there is a way to change the color of the coral font while maintaining its appearance: Select the text you want to change the color of and click on the Fill Layer menu in the Layers panel.

Coral Font

Select 'Solid color'.

Coral Font

A solid layer will be added, so click 'OK'.

Coral Font

Right-click on the added solid color layer and click 'Create Clipping Mask.'

Coral Font

I was able to change the color of the coral font. This method does not allow for the color blurring that is specific to subpixel rendering, but it allows you to change the color while maintaining the shape of the mosaic-like font.

Coral Font

In addition, in the case of

Adobe Illustrator , you can change the appearance of the object , which allows you to create a variety of expressions while maintaining the distinctive colors of the Coral font.
Coral Font

Sango font is released under the ' SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 ' and can be used free of charge for any purpose, whether personal or commercial. You can also create games, apps, PDFs, and web fonts that include the font file, or create derivative fonts by adjusting or modifying the font yourself. Tanuki Samurai, who distributes the font, said, 'Sango is a unique color font whose impression changes greatly depending on how you use it and how you arrange it. I hope you will enjoy the various designs!'

in Review,   Design, Posted by log1e_dh