Advertisements will now appear on LG smart TVs

In September 2024, LG announced that it had begun placing advertisements on the screensavers of its smart TVs. According to LG, screensaver advertising increases brand awareness by an average of 2.5 times.

Idle Time Isn't Wasted Time - LG Ad Solutions Finds that Screensaver Ads are In-Fact Effective - LG Ad Solutions

LG Smart TVs, including OLEDs, now show screensaver ads - FlatpanelsHD

Even LG's premium TVs are showing screensaver ads now | TechHive

According to LG's advertising division, LG Ad Solutions, the company will begin displaying ads during the screensaver on the home screen of LG smart TVs from September 5, 2024. LG said, 'This innovative ad format takes advantage of idle screen time and turns what might otherwise be considered downtime into a valuable opportunity for user engagement.'

Below is an example of a real ad that was displayed on an LG G4 smart TV, promoting LG's entertainment service, LG Channels .

The ads displayed may not only be from LG's own services, but also from third-party advertisers.

'In the past, a screensaver may have signaled that the viewer had left the room, but today's viewing habits are significantly different. 93% of viewers now use their smartphones to engage in social media, shop, play games or do other activities while watching TV,' said Dave Rudnick, chief technology officer at LG Ad Solutions. He reported that the company had conducted tests to see how effective screensavers are.

Tests by LG Ad Solutions found that screensaver ads increased brand awareness by 16.2% among women with a household income of over $80,000 and by 19.7% among adults aged 45 and over, for an average of 2.5% higher brand awareness than screensaver ads not showing.

'The launch of screensaver ads marks an important milestone in strengthening viewer engagement on LG Smart TVs,' said Chris Weiland, product marketing director, LG Ad Solutions. 'This full-screen ad format makes effective use of idle screen time to drive brand awareness. Feedback and research to date has confirmed that these ads drive meaningful interactions and have become an integral part of our advertising offering.'

On the other hand, some users have

criticized the system, saying, 'Not everyone wants to see ads.' In addition, overseas media FlatpanelsHD reports that 'You can hide screensaver ads by turning off the 'Screen Saver Promotion' switch in 'Additional Settings.''

in Hardware, Posted by log1r_ut