IBM secretly fires thousands of employees, makes them sign non-disclosure agreements


Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine

It has been reported that technology company IBM has cut thousands of jobs by September 2024. IBM has not disclosed details about the job cuts.

IBM quietly axing thousands of jobs, source claims • The Register

An IBM employee told The Register that IBM had implemented 'massive layoffs' affecting thousands of employees over the course of a few days. 'Unlike typical downsizing, this one was done in secrecy and those involved were asked to sign

non-disclosure agreements (NDAs),' he said.

Some of the employees who were thought to have been fired said, ' I was suddenly fired despite having dedicated my work for over 10 years, ' and ' I had been with the company for 26 years and had always been in the top ranks. 'IBM has no concept of 'respect for the individual,' and the IBM that had such beliefs is long gone, ' some have criticized.

The Register said the cuts 'are expected to primarily affect senior-level programmers, sales and support employees.' IBM has frozen hiring in the U.S., according to the publication. The company is currently recruiting personnel in India, and the latest job cuts reflect this shift of employment to India.

The majority of those affected by this personnel cut are expected to be employees with 20 to 24 years of service and aged between 50 and 55.

Regarding the job cuts, IBM said only that 'we have

announced that we will lay off some employees around the world in early 2024 as a cost-reduction initiative,' and did not provide any specific number of affected employees. He did not disclose his name or department.

By Acid Pix

in Note, Posted by log1r_ut